state of EMERGEncy, highlights unheard voices in the African American community. The movement of this dance deeply aligns, gestures, emotional and physical embodiments of actions and social injustice life events. In this exploration of movement, we use our bodies in the space to transpire deep thought provoking messages of enslavement, breaking through boundaries and community building. In this body of work, we use texts and different stories from African Americans in black communities to create a dialogue with movement.
absent agency is a collaborative performance that cross-examines the sociopolitical issues around the cycle of racism and power inequities in America. As this dance implements sound and props, the conceptual aspect of this work is about displaced beings in search for a home. This work involves structured contemporary and authentic movement to provide a strong sense of story-telling as a way to break through boundaries in a deep quest for freedom as we go on a journey to take full ownership of the body internally and externally. Also, this performance aims to initiate conversations and open different realms about humanity and social transformation.
Unhealed Wounds, a collaborative work, provides insight on survival from the 1994 Rwandan genocide. This movement helps document history through a refined perspective and gives voice to the lost souls of the genocide. This body of work features Titilayo's signature style in creative movement involves sharp accents fueled with endless intensity and physicality. (2015-2016)
The Skin Within, creates an abstracted dialogue of colorism within the black community. This body of work is a deep investigation of taking full ownership of the body, while exposing the complexities and contradictions that mark the way power and race become operationalized in practice. (2016)
[X] Miles, a 10 minute solo performance provides a voice for the historical event of over 200 Moroccan migrants sacrificing their lives to cross the border of Spain. This body of work presents an urgent rescue to minorities who sacrifice their lives for survival needs. This commanding and evocative work pushes through the boundaries that hinders liberation in its deep exploration for freedom. (2015)
Slave Diaries, shares personal stories and dialogue through movement to help provide a close insight of slavery uponAfricans. This collaborative performance speaks upon racism in America. This body of work shows strength, courage and unification amongst blacks; a constant quest for freedom. (2014)